Friday, July 17, 2009

A day in SLC!

The boys and I went to Salt Lake to hang out for a day. We had so much fun!
Here are some of my favorite pictures on temple square:

Can you tell how much they loved the water at Gateway?


Unknown said...

How fun!!! It looks like they did enjoy the fountain : )

Tiffany West said...

What a fun day! I love the pictures!

Camille said...

They are all growing up so much. Tell Nate thanks again for giving Quentin his Sabbath Day cup on Sunday. That was so nice of him!!! Quentin kept saying "It's a birthday party" I think he thought it was confetti.

mary said...

That looks like so much fun! I bet it's weird to only have the 3 of them around! They are awesome! My boys love your boys so much and totally look up to them!

Emily said...

I miss your cute boys' faces!

I have to also say how much I loved your post about your sweetie - you and Mike are so cute together and reading it made me just smile - I love happy posts!